The multistakeholder workshop titled "Policy Comprehension to Mainstream Climate Resilient Agro-farming Practices in the Indian Sundarban" was held on July 19, 2024, at Hotel De Sovrani, Kolkata. Organized by the South Asian Forum for Environment (SAFE), India, in collaboration with the Progyan Foundation for Research and Innovation (PFRI), the workshop gathered experts, government officials, and NGO representatives, focused on agro-farming and environmental conservation in the Indian Sundarban. Additionally, experts from Sri Lanka and Nepal attended the workshop online. The aim of the workshop was to evaluate the existing agricultural policies and the challenges of implementing climate-resilient practices in the Sundarbans. Key sessions included panel discussions on the current policy environment and open forums for stakeholders. Participants highlighted the adverse impacts of climate change on the region, such as rising salinity and increased vulnerability of crops, alongside the need for policy integration and local adaptation. The outcomes emphasized the need for policy alignment and cohesive action between governmental and non-governmental entities to strengthen climate resilience in the Sundarbans.