Extension Services
PFRI has a well-equipped analytical on-field laboratory at the Satjelia Island of Gosaba Block, Indian Sundarban. It is a well-equipped laboratory situated at the heart of the Sundarban. The laboratory is termed as Centre for Community Resilience Adaptation and Climate Knowledge (CRACK). The center is entirely driven by Green Energy (Solar and Biomass) nearing zero carbon footprints. It has established greenhouse, mangrove nursery, the field-testing facilities for climate resilient crops, exotic cash crops, slim soil cultivation, fertilization facility, basic meteorological observatory (Nodal Early Warning System, NEWS), agricultural waste management and emission reduction program, soil laboratory and water testing unit, community training and demonstration Centre (PRAGATI). This center is the first of its kind in the entire nation to combat climate change in the disaster den of climate vulnerable Sundarban in a participatory and entrepreneurial paradigm. The center developing Germplasm conservation unit and endemic seed bank for natural resource management, installing referral agricultural cyber center for disaster agro-environmental crisis management, it is extending capacity building facility for climate adaptive alternative livelihood integrated farming and conservation of habitat and preparing a low cost disaster mitigation hub with a multipurpose cyclone shelter that can save the habitats from natural extremities.
Moni Orchid Apartment, 1st Floor, Phase 1, Nayabad, Kolkata- 700099, West Bengal, India